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tAtB tCtD tEtF tGtH tItJ tKtL tMtN tOtP tQtR tStT tUtV tWtX tYtZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
VSP tmt 6
chhatrapati tmt 500 +tiger 6
durgapur's SOVA super tmt 6
dwarika tmt SBIW steels 6
kashmir TOURBO tmt 6
super GOYAL tmt +ovals 6
tn TORRES NOVAS +square 24
tn tidy network +hammer 16
tn-ACTY 12
VISI-tn 5
t SERIES tn 34
tnet 16
tntertainment FOR YOU 16
CIPCIN-tnz 5
1947 feel free to ask +phon 9
A AIR VOICE a to z in mobil 35
A commitment to excellence 16
A2O algae to oil +leaves 4
ACCENT the power to excite 12
AFTER NINE ready to wear 25
AGUN wood to plywood 19
AKANKKSHA desire to reach 41
ATOM the new way to pay 16
ATOM the new way to pay +ar 35, 36, 38, 42
ATOM the new way to play 9
AXILL awareness to action 35, 42
BENGALNET.COM back to roots 16
BILLIONWAYS spirit to ventu 36
BIOSOL service to science 1
BODHI TREE from soil to sou 31, 32, 42
BRAUNBURRY smart way to dre 25
BUDDY teaming to succeed 35
BUGGRS fun to play 28
BULLDOG power to perform 1
C2C company to consumer 12, 13, 16
C2C course to career +arrow 41
C2H cinema to home 41
CAPS leading way to success 16
CC best way to win people 16
CCM COIMBATORE come home to 24
CEEMEE dare to be different 25
COCA-COLA ball ho to aisi 28
COTSVIERA ready to stitch 24
CUDDLES 1-2-3 ready to knit 23
CUDDLES ready to knit 23
D2K dress to kill +sword 25
DABHOL POWER power to peopl 12
DELTA born to work +circle 25
DIAN STAR diamonds to life 25, 42
DR. MODY'S fat to fit centr 42
DUREND durable to the end 19
E GPAC from nature to natur 16, 20, 21
EAUCHEM born to win +oval 16
EBD guide to good schools 16
ENDURE key to fitness 41
ETA earth to air systems 11
EVELUX window to the world 9
FERRAN born to bake +cartoo 30
FLYING START to sydney +bir 16
FORCE 1 serve to secure 16, 42
FORCE1 serve to secure 42
G committed to growth +arro 31
GARDEN ready-to-wear 25
GEL born to excel +star 11
GF'S ready to wear 25
GLADE created to inspire 9, 42
GLOBE trust us to deliver 39
GODREJ i-SPACE space to gro 20
GOGO ready-to-go +faces 29, 30
GREENSAND-art to science 42
GTFC passion to perform 25
HERBAL HILLS back to nature 31
HHIRCO more to life 37, 38, 39, 42
HIRCO more to life 35, 36
HTH home to home properties 36
ICIP say no to piracy +oval 16, 38, 45
IFM your guide to full life 16
IIMT learning to excel 9
IMPROMPTU love to eat 29, 30, 32, 33
INSTA KITCHEN ready to serv 20, 21
JACKPOT wear to win 25
JIJI access to purity +oval 29
KRANION designed to perform 9
KRISHNA ready to eat +flute 30
LAMBA door to door +squares 39
LEMONEY ready-to-drink 32
LTI yarn to fabric +spool 24
LUPUS hai to bharosa hai 8, 9, 11, 16, 21, 35, 41
M MONCAC a new way to growt 36
M2K power to the max 9, 11
M2M molecule to market 5, 31
MASH live to eat 43
MAXO-7 to 7 5
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